Effect Of Recent Anticoccidial Drugs On chickens

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2002
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 130
BibID 10110664
Keywords : Veterinary Druds    
In tliis study, salinomycin (60 ppm feed), diclazuril (I rpm feed) and their combination (30 ppm + 0.5 ppm) were given to non-infected and coccidia infected chickens for 6 successive days. Two blood samples ””’were collected [It one day, one, two and three. weeks post drugadministration. The first blood sample was usedfor the haematologicalstudy, whereas, the second blood sample was used for separation ofserum for estimating some liver and kidney functions, total proteins, Ca2+ & phosphorous. Samples from intestine, liver &: kidneys were collected for the histopathological studies. Samples from the DROPpings at the various periods were examined for countithe efficacy of the test drugs. Birds ”Y}31’e’ also weighed at the different period for studying the effect of the test-drugs on body weight and weight gall1 .Results are summarized as follows:A- Oocyst count:The test drugs and their combination caused a gradual decrease inthe count of coccidia oocysts shedded in the DROPpings of the infectedbirds with the rank order of potency as follows: Drug combination Diclazuril > Salinomycin. B- Body weight and weight gain: The body weight gain was significantly increased in the non-d f 1 I SI 2nd d I’dmtecte group treate with sa inornycin alter the en 0 the ” an 3weeks post-drug treatment. 