Experimental infection with E.Coli and Salmonella in Ducks

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2005
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 175
BibID 10078835
Keywords : Ducks    
This work aimed to study the effect of infection of ducks with E. coli 078 and Slmonella enteritidis or both at different ages with different routes. Also evaluation of probiotics in treatment and prevention of these infections in comparison to antibioticThis work was divided into 5 experiments:1- Experiment 1:In which we studied the effect of experimental infection with Salmonella enteritids with different routs at 5th and 13th days of age mortality ranged from 0-20%, subcutaneous and intratracheal infection was the highest. All infected birds showed a signifiOn using Biomin, Ciproflexacin or combined treatments, all birds showed an improvement in body weight. Biomin improved the immune response to reach up to the control level while Ciprofloxacin alone or combined with Biomin results in more decrease in the i