Synergistic Activity of Antibiotics In combination Against pathogenic Bacteria

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2003
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 1303
BibID 10052707
Keywords : Veterinary Bacteriology    
Wide spread of antibiotics without previous sensitivity testing especially in the field of poultry production resulted indevelopment of multi drug resistant isolates. Now sucessfultherapy depends on combined drug therapyThis work was ’planned as an attempt to explore the pattern of some antibiotics resistance and to thraw spot lights on those showedmulti-resistance or sensitivity to give ideas for practitioners to draw their strategy for treatment of infectious disease.For attaining this goal:A total of 185 samples were collected from (cow milk, •. visceral organs of broiler, ducks, nasal swabs and abscess of cock bumbel foot) were asceptically collected from both Governmental and private farms in Sharkia Governorate.The bacteriological and biochemical identification revealed that (36 isolate were Saphylococci, 10 isolates were Salmonella, 20 isolates were klebsiella, 15 isolates were E. coli, 4 isolates as Enterobacter in addition to four Gram-negative isolate couldnot be indentified.The in-vitro antibiotic sensitivity poattern of them isolates was done and the multi-resistance isolates were checked for both qualitative (Bauer-kirby) and quantitative (Cecker-board)methods for different antibiotic combinations and the obtained data revealed that: 