Clinicopathological studies on some plants used in folk medicine as diuretics

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2000
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 5115
BibID 10009742
Keywords : Veterinary Clinical Pathology    
from the public health point of view, medicinal plants are now under consideration. The significance of these plants as a diuretics has gained increasing attention. There are numerous diuretic plants used in folk medicine. In this experimentalwork, we chose two plants of clinical importance, Ambrasia maritima and Salvia triloba . Thirty-five clinically healthy female guinea - pigs wereused. in five groups in tm.sexperimental ’Work. ”rhe i\yst andsecond groups, each consists of 7 guinea-pigs, administered alcohol soluble and alcohol insoluble fractions of Ambrasia maritima respectively which given by daily oral dose 5 mg/kgB. wt. for 24 hours, one week and one month. The third and fourth groups, each composed of 7 animals,administered alcohol soluble and alcohol insoluble fractions ofthe plant Salvia trilob respectively at daily oral dose 25 mg/kg B. wt for the same mentioned periods. The remaining 7 g.pigs were orally administered distilled water and used as control (Gp V). The animals were sacrificed at the end of the first 24 hourswere collected to study renal function tests. Tissue specimens 