Microbiological Aspects of Some Salted Fishes

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1994
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 90
BibID 10278269
Keywords : Fishes    
One hundred samples of salted Mugil cephalus & Hydrocynusfroskallii (50 of each) as wellas their brine solution were collected fromdifferent localities at Zagazig markets. The collected samples weretransferred under aseptic condition to the laboratory and were subjected tothe chemical and microbiological examinations. The results obtained areswnmarized as the following:1- Chemical studies:1- Moisture %:The moisture % in examined Mugil cephalus flesh was ranged from50.50/0 to 68.6% with an average 60.5%.The minimum, maximum and mean of moisture % in examined fleshof. Hydrocynus froskallii was 51 %,64% and 55.5%, respectively.2- Sodium chloride %:It is evidents from the results obtained during this investigations thatthe sodium chloride % in examined salted Mugil cephalus fish was 9.50/0as a minimum, 18.5% as a maxiumwn and 14.7% as an average.The minimum, maximum and mean of sodium chloride % in brine.Solution of examined Mugil cephalus fish was 190/0, 27% and 23.5respectively.The sodium chloride % in examined salted flesh of Hydrocynusfroskallii fish was ranged from 10.5 to 18.5% with a mean value 15.9%. 