Studies on some diseases in calves during fattening period

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1999
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 131
BibID 10247491
Keywords : Calves Diseases    
A total number of 60 friesan calves aging from 1 to 2 years were selected from any fattening farms and used in this study, wher 20 of wich were clinically healthy and parasitic free and served as control while the rest of calves were classified oughly accGroup 1 :contion on 11 calves suffering from traumatic reticulopertionsGruop 2 :consists of 8 calevs affected with traumtic pericarditis.Group 3 :Six calves showingsymptoms referred to be hepatic dysfunction. Group 4 :Contained 7 calves suffering from traumatic reticloperitonitisd, weith the presence of liver absces.Group 5 ;Composed of 8 calves suffering from symptoms belonged to traumatic pericarditis with the presence of liver abscess. 