Studies on food poisoning bacteria with special reference to campylobacter jejuni in milk

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2002
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 224
BibID 10312615
Keywords : Bacterial diseases in milk    
One hundred and fifty raw farm bulk milk samples werecollected from Texas A & M University owned dairy farms situated inCity of College Station, Texas, USA. A survey was conducted todetermine the incidence of food poisoning bacteria in raw farm bulk.milk and experiments were conducted to determine D and Z values ofCampylobacter jejuni & Yersinia enterocolitica and proteolytic &lipolytic activities of isolated Pseudomonas spp.Of the 150 raw farm bulk milk samples tested 2 (1.33%», 2(1.33%» and 3(2.0%) were found to contain.Campylobacter jejuni againstKarmali agar, Columbia agar and modified Preston agar respectively.Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia krestensenii could be detected in12(8%) and 9(6%) respectively when cultured on bile oxalate sorboseenrichment broth while using Yersinia enrichtnent broth (YEB)11(7.33%) and 5(3.33%) were positive for Yersinia enterocolitica andYersinia krestensenii respectively.Serotyping of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from the examinedraw farm milk samples resulted in out of 7 isolates tested, 5 werebelonged to Campylobacter jejuni serotype Cj2 white only 2 were Cj 1Out of 23 Yersinia enterocolitica subjected to 0 serotyping, Yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:3 was the most frequently isolated comprising 9 (39.13%) of the total isolates followed by 0:8 and 0: 13 3 (13.04%) each. Yersinia enterocolitica serotypes 0:4Yersinia enterocolitica revealed that D-values were 27.16 min. and 34.83 min. for Campylobacter jejuni and Yersinia enterocolitica at 55C•respectively while at 60C• it was9 .:78 min. and 9.77 min. respectively. 