Research Study On Magnesium Deficiency In Goats

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2000
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 118
BibID 10091117
Keywords : Veterinary Medicine    
In this study Fifteen female l:3alady Egyptian goats were used within,lge of 9 to I I month and body weight between 18 to 21 Kg. And theywere divided into two groups :-Croup -A consistes of 5 animals and used as control group.Group -n consistes of 10 animals ana usecr as experfmentaranfft1afS-of hypomagnesaemia by oral administration of potassiumand citric acid until the charactrestic symptoms of hypomagnesaemia were appeared. Then this group was divided into two subgroups in the treatment as the followingSub-group B-1 ( treatment -1 or T-l) consistes of intravenousand subcutaneous administration of magnesium sulfate 10% , intravenousof calcium borogluconate 20% and intravenous of dextrose 5% in the first day , then subcutaneousadministration of magnesium sul fate) 0% in the second day of treatment.Subgroup B-2 ( treatment -2 or T -2) consistes of intravenous andsubcutaneous administration of magnesium sulfate 10%. , intravenousadministration of calcium borogluconate 20%, intravenous administration of, oral administration of magnesium chloride - and administration of vitamin -D3 in the first day , thensubcutaneolls administration of magnesium sulfate 100/0 in the second day All animals werexamined clinically every 48 hours with recordingof pulse , respiratory rate and body temperature. 