Pathologic Studies On Some Parasitc Diseases Of Fish (In Sharkia Governorate)

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1997
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 208
BibID 10123764
Keywords : Vetrerinary Pathology    
’r he present work was carried out to evaluate the prevalence ofparasitic infestations among fresh water fishes in Sharkia Governorate,including the habitat, seasonal variations and the species specificity to the parasite.Total number of 450 Clarias lazera and 264 Tilapia spp. of freshwater fishes of different weights and ages were regularly collectedfrom rivers and canals from different locations, in Sharkia Governorate. Some of them were immediately examined, while others were left for observation and clinical examinations. All the fishes were subjected to routine clinical examination, macroscopic aexamination.Concerning the habitate and the rate of parasitic infestation, wildClarias lazera showed the higher percent age of infestation 84.65%than the cultured ones 77.55%. On the other hand, cultured Tilapia nilotica showed higher percent age of infestation (75.0%) than thewild Tilapia spp. (63.1 %).Regarding the seasonal variation of helminth parasitism 111 different examined fish, Clarias lazera showed the highest infestation rate (88%) in summer followed by 86.7% in autumn, while the lowest 