Cell culture and dot-ELISA fro the evaluation of C.pseudotuberculosis toxins and their antitoxic sera

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1991
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 90
BibID 10053188
Keywords : Veterinary Microbiology    
C.pseudotuberculosis causes caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats resulting in great losses as it lead to massive emaciation of the diseased flocks. C. psoudotuberculosis produces exotoxins that play a major role in its pathogenicity and may be used fo.FOr attaining of the purpose1. Bacteriological isolation and characterization of the testedsamples revealed the presence of 12. pseudotuberculosis as a pnmaryagent. 2. Trials were attempted for toxin production and extraction.3. The EBL cell culture was sensitive for the culture filtrates of BRI broth and basic medium containing the exotoxin of Q.. pseudotuberculosis and the end titre of cellular toxic effect was read when 50% of cells were dead.4. The toxin produced in BRI broth gave higher toxic titre and it was more toxic than that of basic medium.5. The lyophilization of the produced toxin was superior while preservation of toxin at-70°C reduced their toxicity6. The culture filtrates produced in BRI broth were fractionated byam. sulphate and the resulting antigens were used either as 35% am. 