Clinico Pathological Studies In Rabbits After Administration of Furazolidone

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1991
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 108
BibID 10086561
Keywords : Veterinary Clinical Pathology    
Thirty Balady rabbits were divided into five equal groups to study the blood picture and chemistry under the effect of furazolidone. The rabbits were given furazolidone orally and daily at a dose of {17.8 mg, 1.78 mg, 0·.89 mg and 0.45 mqlKg b.wt.J for thstudy the haematoloqical and biochemical changes. TherabbIts were sacrifIced at the end of the third month to study the histopathological changes.The erythron mass varied accordIng the dose and period of administration. The peripheral blood picture showed normocytic normochromic anaemia in rabbits gIv~n the therapeutic dose for 30 and 60 days, one tenth the therapeutic dose for 60 days andone twentieth the therapeutic dose for 90 days. Macrocyric normochromic anaemia with reticulocytopenia was observed in rabbits giventherapeutic dose and one tenth the therapeutic dose for 90 days post administration. Such types 