Diagnosis of some joint affections in equines by synovial analysis

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1985
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 90
BibID 10135667
Keywords : Veterinary Surgery    
The synovial fluid samples were collected from radiocarpal, intercarpal, metacarpoppna LangeaL, fem,Ol.’o-pa teller,c-tarsal, metatarsophalangeal joints from horses, foals, es and donkeys, at different locali tie sat Sharkia province. saapl e s which WE:re c o I Le c ted; 8~) from he 1 thy a n Lma.l s allimals affected with tarsal hydro-arthrosis; 42 from als affected Resul ts revealed~!:The normal ay novial fluid sample s were chaz-ac t.e r-I se d L:;/ Pal~ yellowish, clesr and viscous in horses, foals, and mu Le s j wh.f.Ie Ln d c nke y e it was colOlirless clear and visCOUG. b.Weak alkaline in reaction. cMucine clot qua.Li cy we re northe size of the joint.In general the large size joint con t a Lns mo re syll,ovia than the mn9.11el’ o ne , e. Relative viscosity also varied from ,ioint to joirl1.. In general the larger joint con t a Lus le ss viscous fluid thanthesmaller one and presen