Studies On Borrelia Gallinarum In CHicks

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1979
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 103
BibID 10245830
Keywords : Veterinary Microbiology    
A t o t a L of 791 fowls (339 of native breed, 342 of cro ss breed and 110 fowlo of foriegn breed) were examined for Borrel llinarum infectionperiodically from September (1977) to Aug~st (1978) from different locnlities scattered all ovar Sh~rkia Governorate. Forty four fowls were infected with ~. arum with a psr-centnge of 5.56%. The percentage of inf~cti’)n among, different breeds of fowls waS ca~culated showing that it is high in croSS breed and low in pur-e native breed. Also the r8.t€; of infec-tion in different seasons wer6 estimated reven- l~ng, that the infection waS high through sum~er,spring, autumn and winter seasons respect- ively. The role pl~ed by ectoparasites as a v6ctorwas ~lso studied indicating that Argus £~L~tc us and QE-).ex mosquiote s nr-e the main ve c tors for the transmission of this disease. 