Some Studies On Protozoal Diseases in Pigeon & Its Control In Sharkia Province

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1978
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 47
BibID 3195267
Keywords : Veterinary Parasitology    
In the course of this investigation the forlowing results-under experimenial conditions mentioned-could be summarized as follows: 1. Clinical manifestation in protozoal infections ofpigeons seemed to be conditioned i.e. age, v Lr-u.Lenoe.organism in questor abscence of mixed concurrent infections, influence the clinical and pathological findings of the disease.2. The occurrence ot protozoal infections in pigeonsproved to be not only age depend.ant but also the enviromental hygiene played a role in their epidemiology.Results obtained suggested that Irichomoniasis is a disease of young birds (squabs) while Haemorpoteusis an infection of mature birds, while coccidiosis oc~urred in both immature and mature birds Protozoal infections among examined birds showedthat trichomonas infection was (62.01%) while Haemoproteus was (55.29%), Eimeria infection was (42.31%) from the positive birds examined. Clinical haematological studies indicated that the occurrence of different degrees of microcytic anaemia in Eiperia anot observed in nmaniasis. 