Effect of the organopsphorous compound ”dicrotophos ” on pregnancy and foetal development

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1978
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 73
BibID 10049747
Keywords : Veterinary Pharmacology    
OrganoJhosphorus compounds are widely used for the oontrol of insect p;irasites of plants 9.n1J.:.ve stock. The incidence of 9.bortion and il)”Oi:,ti:i:.tyand the teratogenic effects i.n animAL 3.lo g.r:tn.fields sprayed by these compounds had been repol’·sdo This present work was an attempt toinvesti.ga:1ii: ”the effect of one of these organophosphorus compounds (Dicrotophos), on pregnancy and foetal development, the growth rate and gain in body weight of iving of’fsprings in the albino rats.In tht; first experiment pregnant a.lbino rats were a.dministered dicrotophos orally on ·’:lG13th and 14th days post coital in o.t’dex· io deter-mine the effect of the drug upon the ra S. V~riable doses were tested in several groups ofa.nimals and the last group was left 9.S a contr·:Jl.Ceseria.n section WeLS performed on the day 