sanitary evaluation of some fresh water fish marketed at domiata city

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1998
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 112
BibID 10321894
Keywords : Fishes    
Fish are an important protein source in many developing countriesincluding Egypt. Fish contain protein of a high biological value, essentialminerals, vitamins, fat, iodine, fluorine and appreciable amounts of cobalt,magnesium, phosphorous, iron and copper and a very low quantities ofcholesterol. Fish are subjected to many risks of contamination either fromtheir aquatic environment or during fish capture and afterwards.So, this study was carried out to evaluate the actual bacteriologicalcondition of fresh water fish Tilapia nilotica, Mugil cephalus and Clariaslazera which are the most popular consumed fish in Damietta city.A total of 150 random samples of Tilapia nilotica, Mugil cephalus andClarias lazera, 50 samples from each species were obtained from differentfish markets distributed in Damietta city. from which 150 samples from thesurface and 150 samples from the flesh were collected and bacteriologicalexaminations were conducted as soon as possible.The obtained results were recorded in Tables (A, B and C). 