Studies on the intra-articular injections in buffaloes

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1978
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 132
BibID 10136362
Keywords : Injections Intraarticular    
In spite of the tremendous stUdies carried on buffalOES in Egypt, yet no researches were made concerning the intra-articular injections on this roductive animal in an aim of diagnOSis and treatment of joint affections. The present investigation on the bufI)The anatomical studies on the fore and h.I.nd limbs as regards the description of the articular surfaces,the oapsul6 and the ligaments of each joint, showed somedifferences in comparison with that of the ox. 12)The localization of the site of injEction for each joint was tried on normal clinical cases and theiraccess was viz:1. Shoulder joint: there are two sites for injectionof tbis jOint, the easiest one is Loc a te d 3.54 cm.~roximal to a point midway between the freE borderof the cranial and caudal parts of the lateral tub-erosi t, of the hume r-ua, The injbction is bestperformed while the joint is flexed. The other siteis also ap~roached from the lateral side9 at theangle of the scapulohumeral articulation about 3cm.just above the posterior end of the lateral tuber-osity of the humerus.2. blbow joint: there are three sites for injection;the first one is located at a ~oint about 3 cm. 