Studies on Salmonella Gallinarum Pullobum In Beni- Suef

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1986
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 83
BibID 10081144
Keywords : Poultry    
A total of 2200 samples of dead in shell embryos, infertile eggs, Newly hatched chicks and freshly deadlayers collected from different provinces of Beni-SuefGovernorate were bacleriologically examined.A total of 32 Salmonella species could be isolated out of which 12 strains proved to be salmonella gallinarum-pullorum.The isolation rate from different provinces was as follows:El-wasta 0.72 percent, El-Fashn 1.09 percent, Beba 1.45 percent, Beni-Suef 0.54 percent, while no Salmonellagallinarum-pullorum strains could be isolated from Nasser,Ehnasia and Somesta provinces.- Concerning the type of samples the isolation rateform dead in shell embryos was 0.61 percent, Newly hatched chicks 0.8 percent, freshly dead layer 0.47 percent while no strains of Salmonella gallinarum-pullorum couldbe isolated from fertile eggs.- The in vitro antibiotic disc sensitivity testing was employed for all isolated Salmonella gallinarum pullorum strains, they -were sensitive to the following chemothera-peutics as follows: 