Effect of some drugs on enzymatic activity and some serum electrolytes of guinea pigs injected with tetanus toxin

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1981
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 120
BibID 10351941
Keywords : Veterinary Pharmacology    
In the present work the effect of some drugs on enzymatic activity and se~m electrolytes of guinea pigspreviously injected with tetanus toxin were studied.These drugs were.tetanus antitoxin t pro~aine p~illin, .G, combelen, thiocolchicoside, and pralidoximechloride.The minimum lethal dose of tetanus to:dn as well as the proteotive dose of tetanus antitoxin guinea pigsWGre determined and were found to be 1 ml. from dilution/ guinea pig and 8000 I.U. tetanus antitoxin/ kg. 40000’ b. wt. respectively.Eleven groups of five guinea pigs weighing from 330 _ 380 gm •• VlGre used. The first group was kept as un- ..•. inJected untreated control. from the 2nd to 11th group were ingected with 1 MLD of tetalluS toxin sub cut a.11eously.The 2nd group was kept as injected withtoxin untreated. 