The contribution of the different parts of the reproductive system to the ejaculate of the buffalo bull

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1982
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 4127
BibID 10362229
Keywords : Veterinary Physiology    
The present study is aimed at e$tabliqhing pome of t4ebiochemiqal norms of buffalo $emen, assessing the Contriba-tion of the diffefent parts of the +epraductive pyste~ tothe ejaculate an~ +ealizi~ furction~ vroper~ie~ of each org~fThe whole genitalia of (~2) matu+e buft~o bulls were pbt~ined from the abattoir and were util~zed in the studyThe contents of the different ~a+tp of tpe ~eprqd~ctiyesystem were Qollected and were stored ~t -20~C fo~ analys;s.Semen? vre-ejaculate fraction and blood serum we~e cOtle~ted !frOlll s tx mat une bu:fiql.o bullS!.The physioo-chemical characteristics; osmotiq• pre$surtotal proteins, total lipidp, fructose, citric acid, cations,anions and phosphatases of pre-ejaclate fractiIon, wholesemen, seminal plasma, blood serum and the contents of theepididymip, ampullae, seminal vesicles,proptate and Cowper’sglands were noted, Data were subjeoted to statiptioal anaysi where appropriate 