Studies on Salmonella Gallinarum- Pullorum In Chickens With Special Reference to Infectious Drug Resistance (R-Factor)

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1980
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 80
BibID 10081109
Keywords : Poultry    
1- 350 embryonated chicken eggs and freshly dead baby chickens from different localities suspectedto be suffering from SalnioJiel10sis were exposedto postmortem and bacteriological examinations.2- Baoteriological samples were taken from liver, heart-b~?od, spleen, gall-blcdder, unnbsobed yalk sac, and intestine. Fifty-four iSolates suspected morphologioally and biocherucally to be Bammonellne4- esensitivity pattern of the isolntedSalmonellnarum-pullorum.strains to antibiotics and chemo-therapeutic agents, indicated that the isolated strains were resistant to Colistin sulphate, streptomycin, Tetra-cycliuct Neomyoin, Cephototh1ne,~cine, Ampic111ine, CU1oramphenicol and N1trJ-furantoin, but nIl strains were sensitive to nalidixic acid 