The role of mycroplasmas in some the reproductive disorers of cattle buffalo-bulls

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1981
Type of Publication: Theses Pages:
BibID 9986826
Keywords : Veterinary Obstetrics    
1. Semen and preputial materials were collected from 155cattle bulls and 96 buffalo bulls with vEtrious degreesof reproductivity and inve~tigated for mycoplasmaflort3.While the recovery rate of mycoplasmas was higherin animals with reproductive disorders as 60~34% in cattle bulls and 50.98% in buffalQ bulls, it was foundto be lower in apparently normal animals as 30.93%and 15.56% respectively. At the same time therecovery rates from cattle bulls was higher thanthose from buffalo bulls.2. On genus determination, the incidence of genus Myco-plasmawas higher in cattle bulls (49.28%) andbuffalo bulls (42.16%) with reproductive disorders,while those of genus AcholeElasma was higher inapparently normal bulls (72 •. 22%) and buffalo bulls(86.11%).3. The mycoplasma strains recovered from the genitaltract of cattle bulls were identified as M.bovigeni-taliumand M. bovin while M. bovigenitalium,M~ bovisand M. arginini were identified from the genitaltract of buffalo bulls.Acholeplasma laidlawii and A. culi were identified . 