Some Biochemical Studies On Some Blood Constituents on Rats Administered Some Calium Antagonists

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1990
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 71
BibID 10200603
Keywords : Veterinary Bichemistry    
Some biochemical studies on some bloodconstituents on rats administeredsome Calcium antagonists.The effect of verapamil and nifedipine on plasma glucose and insulin levels have been determined in rats.The rats were divided into 3 groups, two groups were employed for drug medication, while the third oneserved as control.The drugs are given in a dose of Img/kg for verapamil, and O.lmg/kg for nifedipine, were far below L.D.SO for each drug.these dosesSamples were taken and analysed for :.1 - Fasting plasma glucose.2 - ~lasma glucose after 15 minutes from I.V. injection.3 - Plasma glucose after 30 minutes from I.V. glucose glucoseinjection.4 - Plasma glucose after 60 minutes from I.V. glucose injection. 