Drug interaction between amprolium and neomycin

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1987
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 94
BibID 10052893
Keywords : Veterinary pharmacology    
The pharmacological effects of amprolium HCL and neomycin sulphate were studied on some isolated preparations (intestinal smooth muscle, oviduct, heart, rat diaphragmphrenic nerve, gastrocnemius muscle, rectus abdominus muscle). Studies were also carried on intact animals.Effects on the intestinal smooth musclesAmprol ium HCL in the theraputic concentration (20CJ rg /ml.) produced an inhibitory effect on the isolated c~icken ileum. This effect on the isolated chicken ileum was probably induced by a blockage of the autonomiSince small doses of nicotine failed to produce its stimulan~ effect in the presence of the drug. Neomycin sulphate; 1.6 mg/ml. produced inhibitory effect on the chicken intestinal smooth muscle which wasproved to be a direct effect, since nicotine in small doses and acetylcholine produced their expectant stimula-tory effects in the presence of the drug. f’ileanwtli le,the alpha and beta adrenargic blockers did not a b o l i s h the inhibitory effect of n