Immunoglobulins & amino acids pattern in cases of mycoplassma in blood of chickens

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1989
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 96
BibID 10202517
Keywords : Veterinary Immunology    
The present study endeavours to study the alteration in some biochemical parameters (amino acids pattern and some immunoglobulins) with reference to other parameters related to them (Total proteins , and their electrophoretic pattern , urea ni trogen and (General Poultry Company) infected with My cop I a s m a ga II i se pt i cum via three different routes (intra air sac , intra nasal and intratracheal) as compared with normal non-infectedcontrol. Reisolation rate was low in all infected chickens whatever ,the route of infection. The macropathological lesions were of slight degree i.e. slightly congested lungs , slightly thickened air sac and the liver with very mild perihepatitis in case of inoculated chickensincreased in their degree with advanced of infection age. Serological examination showed high agglutinating antibodies at the III week of infection then decrease till disappearat the 41h week , but showed largest inhibition zone at the end of’experiment. 