Immunological and serological studies on borrelia anserine in chickens

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1981
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 110
BibID 10045576
Keywords : Veterinary Microbiology    
F:tftcen Lao La t e s ’ of Boxrelia anserina .wer esecured f:rom ,d:f.ffeient localities .. distributedall .ove r l~’ districts of. Sha,rkia. Governorate.These· Lso e s were kept. either,as citrated blood, in the r,efrige;rator. at, 4: C and serially4-passaged through fowls., once .every:j ”mont,hs, oras infected chorioallantoic fluid’in therefrigerato:!:’ at 4 C and pasaaged ’ei ther throughsusceptible fo\yls every 3 months oX’ embryonated 9hicken eggs once every 3 weeks and subsequentlypassaged:in fowls. (2) Fifteen antigens were prepared and kept in theo , refrigerator at 4 G in addition to specific 4fifteen’ a.nti~era, b’esides fi+’teen live antigens from the seouredisolates.(3) Agglutination test, Immobilization-lysis test and Agar gel precipitation test were achieved 