Growth Rate of Hypeco Chickens In Comparision With Hubbard Under Local Conditions

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1982
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 68
BibID 10403147
Keywords : Poultry    
A comparative study of the rate of growth of Hubbard and Hypeco chickens from hatching till 7 and 10 weeks was done.The carcass qualities,dressing percentage and feed efficiency of these broilers at 7 and 10 weeks werdeterminedFor this purpose one thousand chickens of the two ment- ioned breeds were reared in traditional poultry houses of theopen system.The. following results wereobtained:-1.The live body weight of mixed sex of Hubbard chickens was heavier than that of Hypeco chickens, 7 weeks old.2.The live weights of seperate sexes revealed that male Hubbard and Hypeco broilers seven weeks old did notdiffer” from eacn other significantly,beigg 1495+-25 g.and 1487 ± 18 g. They were significantly heavier than female broilers.3.Female Hubbard attained heavier live weights than these of Hypeco and are responsible fOl” overall favourable pelfoTIuance of mixed sexes of Hubbards. 