Studies on Infectious Coryza in Poultry

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1985
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 50
BibID 10081125
Keywords : Poultry    
The clinical signs observed on examined birds were in the form of: nasal discharge, rales, distension ofifra-orbital sinus, fascial oedema and DROP in egg production (~O - )0%) in laying flocks. The history ofthe disease indacated sudden on set and rapid spread. Postmortem examination of these birds revealed conjunct-ivities cattarhal trachitis slight airsacultitis distension of infra-orbital sinus with mucoid exudate.Out of the 190 examined cases, 11 isolated suspected to be Haemophilus organisms could be obtained. All of theleven isolates could be identified as Haemg,p!!11uB par- agallinarum serotype 1. The incubation period in the experimentally infectedbirds was 24-36 hours. The observed sYmptoms firstly were rhenitis, and sneezing. Fascial oedema and disten-sion of the infraorbital sinus developed within 5-10days after infection. Typical symptoms of infections coryza developed 36-~1% of the experimentally infectedbirds of all groups.’Fascial oedema Bubsided with 8 days without treatement. Birds of control group were normal during the whole period of the experimente All isolates were found to be pathogenic to both embryonating chicken egg and chickens. All embryos