Physiopathological and morphopathological studies rats due to. the effect of euphorbia prunifolia

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1982
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 98
BibID 10082546
Keywords : Vetrenary PYthology    
Euphorbia prill1ifolia plant is considerod one of the most common Euphorbia in Egypt (El-Missiry, 1975). The plant grows in associo.tiol1 with summer crops and wo.s shown to be poisonous to (Wo.hby, 1940). On revie- wing the literature, little waOur studies is dealing with some chemico.l investigo.-tion~physioputhologic~l effect po.rticularly on reproduction,the haemutological response and pathological changes indifferent tissues o.s a result of the plant toxicity in albino-rats.Some Chemical InvC?stigations of the Plant :4 Kg of the gr-Joll parts und lKg of the roots of E. prunifolia wer0 collected und extracted with methanolBoth crude extract c~s well as lo.tex of the plo.nt weret~sted for irritation nctivity on mouse ear. 50 nu of tholatex of E. prunifolio. wore extro.cted with metho.nol. Both gruen part extro.ct und lo.tex extra.ct w~re subjected to fra.ctiono.tion procedures with th~ aim to enrich the nctiveprinciples. 