Experimental corynebacterium infection in guinea - pigs

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1981
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 106
BibID 10334814
Keywords : Zoology experimental    
In the present work, an experimental study for the Corynebacterium pseud.otuberculosis-infection was donein order to elucidate its pathological effects and pa- thogenesis in guinea-pigs, using the strain HA Bu 77”,isolated from buffaloe cases showing typical lesions ofoedematous skin disease in the village Asneet, Dakahlia province, in 1977.In our experiments firstly ten groups of guinea-pigs,were infected by different routes of infection(scarific- ation, intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular,Qcular,oral ~ rectal, intra urethral , intravaginal and Lnt.rana s-all with a dose of 2 ml. of the organism suspension.The pathological investigations in guinea-pigs re-vealed that the most pronounced changes were manifestat~ions of acut~ intoxication, mainly in the form of oed.emaand haemorrhages •. The se changes wer-e observed in theparenchymatous organs~ especially in the lungs.rIoreQv~r,oedematous changes wore markedly observed i’1 the skin,the blood vessels of the parenchymatous organs showeddegenerative changes and necrosis in the endotheliallining and smooth muscles. These changes are thought. 