Biochemical study of lipids in poultry

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1989
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 258
BibID 10202534
Keywords : Veterinary Biochemistry    
For performing the present work a total of one hundred and fifty chickens of both ages of normal white leghorn (NWL) were used. The present study examine. ,:the!’. of effect was carriedto the out of seasons (Summer-winter’and spring) and age seasons and ages on classes (f at ty acids, and the interaction between the levels of various lipid triglycerides, phospholipids, lipoproteins, total lipids and total, free and esterefied choles- terols) and their levels in serum and Chickens of three cycles were used, each cycle lies in one of the. aformentioned season and consistedof 50 chickens. were chickens of each cycle groups (each of The subdivided into two equal chickens) .weighing 700-’5!>O g. 