Pathologic studies on diarrhea in chickens

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1988
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 1499
BibID 10098547
Keywords : Veterinary Pathology    
Five hundred and fifty chickens suffered from diarrhea were observedclinical signs and for subjected to macroscopical and microscopical exam-inations to diagnose the diseases causing diarrhea. We concluded that the enteritis is not pathog-enomonic poultry diseases associatedwith for diarrhea except in coccidiosis and parasitic infest-ation. One hundred and thirty young chick~ (23.6%)showed severe white diarrhea as well as the other clinical signs, macroscopicalmicroscopical and picture of E.coli infection. The clinical signs,in addi tion to diarrhea, were depression, loss of appetite, and ruffled feathers.Macroscopically,the internal organs were congested and enlarged. The pericardium, air sacs and livercapsule were thickened and whitish yellow. The lungs were consolidated. The liver was friable. The intestine was filled with mucus. MicroscopicallyThe heart and liver showed fibrinous pericardi tis and perihepatitis. Congestion, degenerative changes, 