Studies on blackleg among bovines in egypt

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1975
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 3166
BibID 10368125
Keywords : Infection    
1- Studies on fluoresoent antibody techniq~e showed that it was possible to differentiate between Cl. chauvoeiand Cl.septicum with specific fluorescent labelled antiseraeither in smears frl m cultures, in tissue sections r in smears of pathological lesions.2- Studies on the fluorescent antibody technique in detecting Cl. chauvoei in putrified material indicated thatCl. septicum invaded guinea-pig carcasses dead from Cl.chauvoei infection six hours after death, then increased morerapidly with the putrifaction process, in smears from car- casses kept at 37°C than those kept at 18°C. Cl. chauvoeiincreased in number in flUorescent stained smears from the same material an4 was also more rapid in smears made from carcasses kep.t at 37°C than those kept in 18°C. 91- chau’Voei outnumbered Q!. septicum in fluorescent stained smears, although ~liltu~es pigs to•oompare the reliability of fluorescent antibody tech- nique with conventional cultural method showed thatchC!-u’Voei was completely overgrown by 91. septicum and other putrifacti’Ve baoteria within 24 hours of death. 