Some Morphological And Biological Studies on Lymnaea Snails As Compared With The Total Surrounding Fona In Different Districts of Fayum Governorate,And Their Response To The Effect of Aquous Extracts Of Some Vegetations

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1983
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 85
BibID 10091133
Keywords : Veterinary Parasitology    
Snails and their surrounding vegetations from Dar-el-Ramad EI-Fayum, Etsa, Cinoris and El~Rodah-Tamyah stations were investigated. The seasonal variations and distributionsof Lymnaea snails and their incidence to other molluscs have been also encountered,4.64% while during Summer and Autumn it was 0%. Meanwhile the total incidence of all snails colle-cted allover the year, 1982 from this re[~ion was • 11.97%. The most suitable months were January,Febru- ary, March, April but the other months appeared freecompletely. 2- Etsa region: The incidence was in its maximum value during Autumn (5.67%) less in Winter (0.81%) and nearly 0% during Spring and Summer. Moreover, it was worthy to mention that the total number of snailscollected in one year from that region was 2.316%. 