Studies on the Immune Response of Foot and Mouth Diseases Virus

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1982
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 106
BibID 10094162
Keywords : Virus Diseases    
1) Five groups of camels were used in this s t udy together with three susceptible calves. The camels ~ere inoculated with 10 7 ID 5O per each animal 0f the virulent FhDvirus strain 0 /2/72-Egypt. The following routes were used: in- tradermolingually; in the buccal mucosa, in tranasally and intraoccularly. Two calves were placed in contact with the infected camels; while another- calf was inoculated with the same strain 2) Blood samples were collected from each of these animals daily for a period of one week post inoculation or contact. Red blood cells, lymphocytes and plasma fractions were separated from the samples. Trials to isolate theGMDV from each of these samples were done on eimbryon bovine kidney cell cultures.3 )The body temperatur of the camel, were not increased above its norma limitsd, while the contactcalves as well as the infected one increase in body temperature 1 or 2°C showed an increase in body temperature or 2 C over the normal limit. 4) All marked FMD symptoms and the lesions were localised at the site of inoculation and was in form of local inf