Morpho-Biological Studies onTrypanosoms Infecting Sheep and Goats In The South Of The Sudan And Trials Of Their Control

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1983
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 78
BibID 10091125
Keywords : Veterinary Parasitology    
The present investigation was done in the triangular area between Amadi and Lanyi - Kadiba Villages of Mundaidistrict in Western Equatoria province of the Sourhernregion - Sudan.The investigation commenced in June, 1981 and continued until May, 1982 to include the dry & wet seasons.The experimental animals were of 3 flocks of total number of 99 local African breeds of sheep and goatsbelonging to the natives of that area. Each flock was grazing independently as one herd and divided into atreated control group where ethidium bromide was inje- cted at dose rate of 1 mg/kg body weight.and an un-treated group. Both groups were kept together and exp- osed to the natural attack.o~ glossina. Meanwhile bothgroups of sheep and goats were monthly drenched with Nilverm at the dose rate of 0.5 ml/kg body weight. Theweight of ea ch andma.l , the rainfall, temperature and relative humidity were monthly recorded together with tse-tse flies collected from the area. 