Morphobiological studies on the larval stages of some cestodes in sheep

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1985
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 125
BibID 10355853
Keywords : Veterinary Clinical Parasitology    
6257 sheep carcasses were examined for identification .incidence and predilection seats of the larval stages ofcestodes • Only Cysticercus tenuicollis was met with. The prevalence of Cysticercus tenuicollis was 23.17 %.Theexamined animals included both young lambs of less than3 years and olders ones.Infection rates among both groupswere 23.67 and 2.70 % respectively.Also infection among males , which included young animals , was 23.6 % and amongfemales, which were old ones, was 2.2 %.The highest incidence of infestation reached its maximum29.0% in August and December and its lowest 16.5 % in June.The distribution of Cysticercus tenuicollis showed differentseats, 78.68 % were only in omentum ,9.65 % were in liver,7.1 % in liver together with omentum .while 2.54 % and2.03 % were in the mesentery and in the ligamtnts joiningthe biliary duct.Infestation with~~IY one cyst represented 75.0 % and 70.0 %in the liver and omentum respectively. Infestation with two 