Comparative Studies on Different of Pigeon herpes Encephalomyelitis Virus

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1984
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 96
BibID 10092949
Keywords : Virus Diseases    
The investigation was carried out to compare the biological and serological properties of some pigeon herpes viruses and resulted on the followings:- .The pock morphology can differentiate between PHEV andPHV. PHEV indu.ced on the CAl,: small pin point lesions(O.l mm)while PHV induced small and large lesion. The OH and FH virus on the other hand induced only large lesions(.0.3-0.4). Among the investigated viruses the PHEV only induced characteristic changes in the liver of the inoculated embryos. PH, OH and FH virusesthe three viruses reached their maximal titers 120 hours post inoculation onto the CAM. Pigeons were susceptible to infection with PHBV. Infected birds developed nervous disorders with high mortality rate (70%). On the contorary pigeons were resistant to