Studies on staph .aureus in different domestic animals

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1984
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 143
BibID 10094184
Keywords : Veterinary Microbiology    
·A total of 226 samples from four animal species, 66 milk samples from appa ren t Ly heal thy Frazian cows, 82nasal swabs from apparently healthy Marino sheep, 46 pus swabs from chronic abscesses and septic wound from hors~d 32 pus swabs from chronic pyogenic lesions from hos- pital patients. Direct cultivation on mannital salt agar revealed the isolatIon of 83 mannital positive yellow colonies of staphylococci in a total incidence o~ 36.72%. The identification of the 8) mstaphylococci from the 4 animal sources by confarmatory biochemical and biological reactions showed yPicalreactions • As all isolaties 100% weremMnitol-positive, haemolytic on 10% sheep blood agar, catalase-positive, decryribonuclease-positive and lysozymeproduces. Moreover 98.79% of then were ge La.t Ln. liquifier, ~drolysed urea and were positive to M.R.test,93.97% clatted rabbit plasma and reduced nitrate. Concerning the antibiotic sensitivity,lOO%of lested isolates from the 4 hosts were completely iMibited by oleandomycin (15 ug), neomycin (JOUg)and gentamycin lOug, while they were completly resistant to nalidixic ac id • 