Trials for isolation of rift valley faver virus (R.V.F.V) from raw milk with special reference to its public health importance

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1983
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 261
BibID 10040745
Keywords : Virus Diseases    
Tw0 ewes from the nine inoculated ones showed subnormal o temperature (36.5-37 C) on the 4th day post inoculation anddied on the 5th day (22%).The mammary glands of inoculated ewes did not show anydeviation from normalityThe milk secretion decreased specially at rise of body temperature.The pH of collected milk samples lies within the range 6.6-6.8.One animal from each inoculated group was slaughtered on the fourth day post infection and the careful post-mortemexamination revealed presence of characteristic lesions in the parenchYmatous organs as small white necrotic focci, but the mammary gland tissues and its related lYmPh nodes were apparently normal.These findings substantiate what have been reported by DAUBNEY (1938) and KASCHULA (1957). 