Effect of the rift valley fever on the fertility rate of sheep

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1983
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 87
BibID 9988394
Keywords : Virus diseases    
Effect of RVF virus on semen picture of infected rams: Evalustion of ram’s semen were done before the animalswere inoculated with RVF virus for about J monthsthes~ include: volume sperm concentration 106/ ro1.Average % of alive sperm, colour and motility. Itwas recorded that the ejaculate was 0.5-1 ml, (2100-3500) 106/m1., 90%, white creamy, very string inmass motility and rapidly in a straight line in caseof individual motility respectively.Evaluation of rem’s semen after RVF. inoculationrevealed the following.The pH:- There was a clear rise in pH, from 6-14days this rise was from 6.2 to 7.2 i.e about 1 pH. Sperm cell concentration:There was a clear DROP in the number of sperm per 106/ml from 6-14 days post inoculation and reacheddown to 300 ml. 