Variation in thyrotropic hormone and prolactin in the pitutary of buffaloes in relation to functional activity of the ovaries

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1983
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 149
BibID 10360262
Keywords : Prolactin    
In the present investigation, attention was directed to identify thyrotrophs and lactotrophs present in the pituitaries of buffaloes.Both direct and indirect immunofluorescent techniques wereused to localize thyrotrophs and lactotrophs. The morphological~pearance of these cells was furtherly identified by restaining with aldehyde fuchsin with the special counterstain of Halmi.The concentration of TSH and prolactin was determined at different stages of ovarian activity during the estrous cycle of buffaloes and in those affected with ovarian inactivity.TSH in the pituitaries of buffaloes was assays by using an immunoassay method depending upon a baemoagglutination inhibi- tion technique, while prolactin content in the pituitaries wasdetermined biologically by the pigeon crop sac method. 