Further Studies On Salmonella Gallinarum Pullobum In Giza Province

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1983
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 59
BibID 10081132
Keywords : Salmonella infections in poultry    
Two hundred and thirteen Salmonella gallinarum pull- strains were isolated out of )240 dead-in-shell embryos collected from balady hatcharies, and 11 strains out of 151 newly hatched chicks obtained from differentlocalities in Giza Province. The strains isolated from dead-in-shell embryos proved to be pathogenic to ,embryonating ~hicken eggs atdifferent stages of incubation. It ~ffeote’d the hatchabi-’-lity decreased ()O%) and the mortality rates increased (27.5%) than contrO’lS ;’., ThE; ·strains isolated from recently hatched chicks werepathogenic for day-old chicks when administered orally, in the drinking water or mixed with the ration. The in-fection oould be transmitted from the experimentally in- fected birds to their contact controls.The isolated strains were highly sensitive to fura-zolidone \ ...• chloramphenicolpnalidixic aoid and ampicillin,moderatley sensitive to kanamycin and neomycin, less wan-sitive to streptomycin, tetracyclin: and resistant toerethromycin, linc omyo in, penicillin G and sulphadiazine. 