further physiological studies on fishes the nutritional value of clarias at different stages of development

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1984
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 96
BibID 10358219
Keywords : Fisahes    
study was undertaken with the object of estimatingthe nutritive value of Clarias lazera, which was collectedfrom Cairo, Giza and Barrage Breeding Centre (at Quanater),in an effort to investigate variable physiological phasesof development for both sexes.This study included the changes in the biochemical constituents (protein, fat, ash, carbohydrates, minerals as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as vitamins such as carotene, vitamin A and vitamin E) in relation to:1. W~ight and size of forty-fiv. from 160-260 gm, 260-320 gm and 320-360 gm. 2. Also, determination of the nutritive values of fish flesh of Clarias lazera in relation to anatomical variation were studied, according to: a) position of parts (anterior, trunk and posterior)from 45 fish samples. 