Infiuence of Some Blood Preservatives On Haemoglobins Structure And Function In Rabbits

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1998
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 244
BibID 10198002
Keywords : Veterinary Bichemistry    
Blood possesses mystical properties and be the source of life.Despite animal experiments in the seventeenth century reports ofblood transfusions in the early veterinary literature are scarce.Veterinarians, however, seem to have been aware of developments III human medicine.The present investigation was carried out to search the influence of different regiems as well as some important additives in relation to preservation of the blood in liquid state.A total of (96) adult Newzealand white rabbits, nine - twelve months of age with average 2500- 4000gm were used in this study.The rabbits were divided into 2 equal major groups (each contains 48 rabbits). Each major group was further divided into 4 equal subgroups (each contains 12 rabbits, six males and six females), however, the major group has one subgroup served as control athe other three served as different treatments. Group A was takingdifferent feeding regime~s for 3 months including high protein regime (70 gm soybean /kg ration), high fat: reqirnei (7.34 corn oil / kg ration) and high vit C regime (250 mg/kg ration). While group B was given a balanced commercial rabbit pellets ration The blood samples in group A collected on CPD-A blood preserved mixutre solution as 5 ml blood sample / 1 ml blood 