Some pharmacological properties of thiabendazole with special reference to its antimicrobial activity

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1982
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 286
BibID 10050364
Keywords : Veterinary pharmacology    
The purpose of thia study was to inveotiga:t@ some cological properties and antimicrobial activity ofPha.rmacolo~ic.c’.l studies : Ib1Effects on the isolated smooth muscles revealed dependant inhibitory effect of thiabendazole on themotility of guinea pig ilelru. Its action was to be a gm1g1ionic blosking effect on the guineeThiabendazole in d i.f f’e r ent doses inhibited the forcefrequency of contraction of the rat uterine muao l.e s in strus, non oestrus, early and lat pregnancy.Thiabendazole had an c-; -o.drenoceptor blockinh acti vi tych 1.’IA.e proYed on e guinea pig vius deference, rat ano e c-e g0US musc Le , rabbit jejunum [l.;nd r-abbd, t Oic:J.~tic strip. 