studies on Morphological and Biology of Fasciola Worms of The Goats

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1972
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 58
BibID 10089473
Keywords : Veterinary Parasitology    
Egyptian goats of different breadst se~es and localities h~ve been differntially investigated indetails for Fnsciola infestation. The incidence and detiled mncro:a~d micr.0:morphology ~r fresh andst~ined,worms hnve been comparat~vely and critically studied, it h~s been conclusively recognized thnt nat-ural susceptility and the percentage of infestation was va~ying from goats ~o sheep. Under the Egyptian envirolf.nent ndi tions it seemed to, 0 ccur’ IUgre wid.elv in 811.-.;0? t,h[~n in gOl:’.tS. 1!”Orentl.tU degree of pDrc::s2- The total percentage of parasitaemia among the v:”:rio,:-s goat breeds reached 4.6 %. Out of the examinedgc~bs, the infestation was 4.8 % among the Native Nubi~n bread at ~l~Hammam, Cairo’,Giza breeding farm nnd abatto1r~5% between the SaLnen ones, while the Za~aiby goats showed a decreased pe~entage of 3.75%. Besides, the general true li1orphologi.ce.l picture of their gall bJadder and 