Studies on Ovine Cestodes In A.R.E

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1973
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 63
BibID 10089469
Keywords : Veterinary Parasitology    
Egyptian sheep of different breeds, sexes, ages and looalities, have been oomparatively investigated indetails fox ovine oestodes infestation.j The inoidenoe and the detailed maoro - and mioro morphological charaoteristios of the fresh and stained cestodes have been oritioally studied. The oharacteristic di-fferential degrees of parasitaemia were also found fixed in relation to the number of worms. Indeed, the present investigation has oonfirmedtbat various breeds of sheep in Egypt were common natural oosts to more than one species of ovine oestodes, two MOniezia species identified as Moniezi,a eXJ2a,!\sa and f’Ioniezi,a denticU;l§ •2B vrell as a single speed.ea of Avit.ell pent£ipuno1apq with t~~tian charaoteristios. Out of 6000 repeatedly examined siJ.t:Iel) only 1385 were found toha.roo~iDi’estcd;iona With thee typos of woxms. The investigated detailed picture ill the various months of the--year with these cesb-odes was also given, where it appeared as 50% in January andthen fluotuated to 28. 25. 23, 21, 18. 16, 15, 23, 25 and 33 in too following montbs respectively with the peak attained 