Some Toxicological studies on hypervitaminosis A in laboratory animals

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1977
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 59
BibID 10091718
Keywords : Vitamin A in animal nutrition    
V!tsrnin Ji c euse s chel:€ctexietic inju:rie& wh~it WE.E givGn Ln exce ss to weEling fEte. The lesion~Ere imPOl’t£llt fiE elUCl£ to th~ effec:!:; of h.Yp~rvit([nll~o’ieJj which iucl:uCEO oitStinct symptoms. wereaGmOll£-t.r6t~o etter do aege e.QUl51 to 25, 50, 100 t1me~- thenttuzsl l’eQuil’ement cose, exophthclmino, blincnese. ~o-I pacis ~d ~t6ggering g6it. Th~ intensity of ~ymptom£’t- goes pe.1:t’.~l with the magrLitude of ’ihe close. In edC11-tion, th;le E-;udy gives the toUowing fincing~.I)~ biochemi.e-e.I Oh~E r6vael impe.±tment ofminer~l m~teboli£m refult1r~ in lowering ot c61eium~inQ1xgrr~ phcsphol’UE 5nd mt;$tleEi~ in se rum E.nO bona Endeleveting ot EGrum ~lk~liuP phoEphEte~ E~tiv1ty. Iu-ere ese in frt,. water content ala orgMie mett~ p61’OGn-t~ge in cone the dac rers e of t:1eh pe reent ege ot dryfet-fxee - mE-etrial were obvio~ m£nifest~tion~.2) Hj.g-h lev.lf; of vit.tlrnill J. were obE6.rved ill £s.rum Endinct:eEee. itE eitortige ’in vr.r10uf o.r~ns especir.1l3 liV’G%,.k1dney ana 6upr5xenal glendt.3) Depletion otvit~iUE WEe observed in Eof. tiEfU66speciel.l..Y testicle, musc Le , kioney fJlO splesn •. 