Some aspects of management in relation to reprodutive efficiency of buffalo - bulls

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1975
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 238
BibID 10375013
Keywords : Buffalo    
The sexual uelra viour nncJ s ern e n char cter of Egyptian buffalo bulls anli. their valiation due to some aspects of manaLe~ent or environment were studied. 3.’i’he common sex ueh~jviour observed. when the buffaLo bulls came in contact with a femAle WRSw as Lonrt er’ (lower s e x Li.b than that of the seconde j aou La t e . 5. The me an v.Lue of tltP. vo Lume of tih e first e;hculate WAS e of the second ejRculate VC!S bettert han thAt of +,l’e f’Lrs u ene Ln 311 semen chprcter 